
A lunch event to enjoy the world of “Scented beverage” with innovative French chef Asano’s cuisine


センタラグランドホテル大阪で浅野シェフが作り出すコース料理に合わせる香飲(ノンアルコールドリンク) のペアリングイベントを開催。

A pairing event will be held at the Centara Grand Hotel Osaka to choose 香飲(non-alcoholic drinks) to go with the course meals created by Chef Asano.



We invited Katakura and Tanaka from “香飲家 KOU IN KA,” a company that focuses on the most memorable aromas among the five senses, to create “香飲 Scented beverage,” a “non-alcoholic drink to enjoy the aroma,” which incorporates various fragrant ingredients into drinks and harmonizes with the main food while enhancing it, and is working to spread its appeal around the world. We held a one-day limited lunch event where guests could enjoy pairing the drinks with dishes from the innovative French restaurant “Smoked Kitchen.”
On the day, about five types of “香飲 Scented beverage” drinks incorporating Thai and Japanese ingredients were introduced to go with seasonal dishes cooked using French techniques and with the essence of smoked food. Guests were able to enjoy a dining experience that stimulates all five senses while enjoying a delicious meal while looking out at the panoramic view of Osaka cityscape from the 33rd floor.


【 Amuse 】
鮎 胡瓜 蓼 パンペイザン

Sweetfish, cucumber, water chestnut, pain paysan


【 Entrée 】
豚バラ肉のスモーク 和風ハーブサラダ ローストナッツ

Smoked pork belly, Japanese-style herb salad, roasted nuts


【 Poisson 】
オマール海老 トリュフ 蕪

Omar shrimp, truffle, turnip


【 Viande 】
馬肉 生姜 茄子 タイム

Horse meat, ginger, eggplant, thyme


【 Dessert 】
桃のコンポート フランボワーズ スモークバニラアイス

Peach compote, raspberry, smoked vanilla ice cream





■Smoked Kitchen
Innovative French
Exquisite dining to be enjoyed with all five senses

At the Smoked Kitchen, you can enjoy an original menu of French-based dishes arranged with unique smoking techniques while looking at the panoramic view of Osaka cityscape from the 33rd floor. Enjoy the ultimate gourmet experience with original cocktails and a wide selection of wines.


■浅野 裕之 ヘッドシェフ

■Head Chef Hiroyuki Asano
Chef Asano is from Gifu Prefecture and is known for his culinary philosophy that makes the most of the blessings of nature.
He is well-known for his dishes that combine classic and modern techniques, having served as the head chef at a five-star hotel.
He demonstrates his talent by creating unique dishes that combine smoking techniques with the climate and food culture of Kansai, based on French techniques.